Article (Page 4)

Article (Page 4)

Red Door Churches

Sometimes we reprint articles in this space; normally, I go a few years without doing that. But we are about to kickoff our small groups program again for 2023-24 next week, and this relates so directly to what they are all about, that I felt it was worth it to revisit it again already—plus, the article itself was reprinted by the author after only a few months because it proved so popular, so I figure what’s sauce for the goose…

Confidence in Christ: Conclusion

Over the last few weeks, we have explored why we should have more confidence in our salvation. We examined what the overarching narrative of Scripture reveals about God’s nature and purpose, that he takes the initiative to restore the relationship with humanity that has been broken by sin; he is reaching out to us, earnestly desiring us to be reconciled to him. He has achieved that reconciliation through Jesus; if we are incorporated into Christ through faith, repentance, and baptism,…

Confidence in Christ: Walking in the Light

We have had a couple of articles here in this space on why we should have more confidence in Christ. We focused first of all on the big picture of Scripture and what it reveals to us about God’s nature and purpose: he is perpetually reaching out to his Creation, acting on behalf of humanity to restore the relationship he had with us in the beginning that has been broken by sin. We must always keep in mind that his…

Confidence in Christ: Peace with God

Last week, we began a short series in this space on why we should have more confidence in Christ. We focused on the big picture of Scripture and what it reveals to us about God’s nature and purpose. In short, God is perpetually reaching out to his Creation, acting on behalf of humanity to restore the relationship he had with us in the beginning that has been broken by sin. We must always keep in mind that his heart is…

The Big Picture

One of my favorite old hymns that we sing is “Blessed Assurance,” by Fanny J. Crosby. Crosby speaks of the confidence we have in Jesus. When we are born of water and the spirit, washed in the blood of Christ, we become heirs of God. We have a foretaste of eternity. This is our story. And it is certain! It is assured! Yet, so many of us lack certainty in our salvation. We have talked about this before, but particularly…

A Man Just Like Us

In the text in James covered in last week’s sermon, he presented the example of Elijah for consideration when it comes to prayer. He makes the point that Elijah was a man with a nature like ours—he was just like us, in other words—and look at all the great things he accomplished through prayer! That might come as a bit of a shock: Elijah? Like us? But he’s one of the greatest heroes of the OT! What in the world…

Who Do You Look Like?

On this Father’s Day, I would like for us to consider the fact that God has revealed himself to us as Father. That is how Jesus taught us to address God; the Aramaic term is abba. This is not “daddy,” as is often said; it is the only word for father in Aramaic. But that does indicate an intimate relationship that God wishes to have with his children—and that model, of God as our Father, then presents a great challenge…

Be Strong and Courageous

Last week, people all over the Western world commemorated the 79th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. Just after dawn on June 6th, 1944, nearly 160,000 Allied troops, including about 73,000 Americans, began landing on five code-named beaches on the coast of Normandy. The operation also included parachute landings at strategic sites. A total of 4,414 Allied troops, 2,501 of them from the United States were killed that day; in the ensuing Battle of Normandy, 73,000 total Allied troops were killed,…

The Sin of Selfishness

Vacation Bible School is coming up on the last Saturday of this month. I was thinking about and recalled the theme of VBS one year when I was a child: “sharing is caring.” In our Bible classes, we are interested in telling children the stories of the Bible. We want them to learn and remember certain passages of Scripture. But we are primarily concerned with teaching them certain basic attitudes and habits of living. One of those is the practice…

Keep Running

Inspired by the practical wisdom found in James, we have written about some of our common everyday problems for about three months now. Let’s draw some of the threads together from those previous articles to tie a bow around this series: what are some basic, general principles to help guide us in life? In John 10:10, Jesus states part of his purpose in coming: I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. Everyone is looking for that…

Living Abundantly

Inspired by the practical wisdom found in James, we have written about some of our common everyday problems for about three months now. Let’s draw some of the threads together from those previous articles to tie a bow around this series: what are some basic, general principles to help guide us in life? In John 10:10, Jesus states part of his purpose in coming: I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. Everyone is looking for that…

Fear Not

For several weeks now, we have talked in this space about the daily problems we face. As we draw this series to a close, let’s discuss something we all contend with regularly: fear. In the face of fear, God says fear not. Did you know that God says that more than anything else in all the Bible? When Abram had come to the Promised Land at God’s direction and prospered greatly, but had had no child, we find God saying…