Posts from February 2024

Posts from February 2024

The Church’s Birthday

Between the time of my writing this toward the end of the week and your reading this on Sunday morning, I will have celebrated a birthday. It got me to thinking about what is sometimes referred to as the birthday of the church: Pentecost. We read the story in Acts 2. The Holy Spirit descended and filled the disciples who were gathered together, empowering them to speak in languages they had never learned. This caused a great crowd to gather…

What Now?

Last week, as many of you know, we held a Valentine’s Day banquet here at the church building for the first time since before the pandemic. Events like this are a good marker, I think, of trying to get back in a regular rhythm of life and become more active. It is essential that we keep striving for that, because—like a lot of churches, and a lot of aspects of life more generally, for that matter—it is no secret that…

How the Lord Sees

As I write this, we are planning to celebrate our Valentine’s Banquet this weekend. (By the time you read this, assuming it is the print copy on Sunday morning, it will have already happened.) I am really looking forward to it, as it is yet another one of those things that has not been done since the pandemic that just sort of slipped away when we began to get back to normal; it’s a good sign when we revive things…

The Difference Between Idols and False gods

This article was written by Wes McAdams and published on his blog, “Radically Christian,” earlier this week. I thought it was timely on a couple of levels. For one, as we study through OT history in our Sunday morning Bible class, we encounter Israel making idols and worshipping false gods; this helps to clarify why even those graven images that ostensibly represented YHWH, like the golden bulls of Jeroboam, were forbidden. More importantly, for all of us, it gives practical…