We were privileged to have our brother Rod Kyle, the missionary we support in New Zealand, report to us on Wednesday evening. Many of you were unable to be here for that, so I thought it might be good to include an excerpt from the latest email he sent us from earlier in the summer right before he left on his tour of the US to report. Barbara emails these to everyone when they come in, but it could be that you have not seen it before, and it covers much of the same ground he did when he was here. There is more information posted on the bulletin board in the foyer which I encourage you to review. He is doing a great work there, and I think it is important to know what you are helping to contribute to. -BP
A brief over view of my activities:
Had an exciting time doing 2 weeks of door knocking on the Palmerston North campaign. And the followup was even better. Had to leave some studies with Kent O’Donnells (Palmerstons local Evangelist) when I took off for the Solomons on the 9th April. Preached in Tweed, NSW,Oz. Then in Honiara in the Solomons. Made a 1 week trip to the new work on New Georgia Island. Returned to Honiara to continue registering the Mission House holding entity with the relevant Govt authorities. Attempted to fly to the southern Islands for a weeks work amongst 3 congregations. However. The plane had other ideas. It broke down. So have spent the remainder of my time continuing the registration work. Now need to get home to rescue the work we have been doing on the MH project. And to face a long list of duties which will include reengaging with my Hutt, Porirua and Carterton brethren where I preach or teach or both, each Lords day.
The Solomon Island work:
I arrived in the S.I. on the 17th April loaded with 32kg of supplies and tools. And about 5 clothing items. You don’t need to wear much in the heat and humidity of this Island nation. On the plane trip I was surrounded by locals who hadn’t washed in a year! The stench was incredible. Didn’t smell too good myself by the time I got to my Transit House in Honiara. The next Lords day I preached and taught for the Honiara church. Worked a few days on the paper work for the Mission House, then I headed off to New Georgia and the new work that was begun 8 months ago. Bro. John Bonagi had been helping in this work for the past month. He has served as one of the Elders for the Honiara church of Christ. We provided him with support to do this. So when I arrived, there had been 3 conversions and while there, 1-2 restorations. This work has grown from about 4 to 25+ in the assembly and membership. I found them a meeting place. Conducted nightly meetings. Supplied them with Bibles and teachingresources. Opened a P.O. Box at the nearest Airport then headed back to Honiara. Did a few more days of submitting forms then attempted to fly south to the Santa Cruz/ Reef Islands for a weeks work. Hopefully, while the Government submissions were processed. The plane broke down. Found that out when I arrived at the airport to check in. So it wasn’t worth flying down 3 days later on a smaller plane. So have stayed in Honiara teaching, preaching, conducting studies (not many) and pushing things through on the MN holding entity, gaining a Tax #, and opening a Bank Account. This has involved 3 weeks work and walking over 5-14 kilometers per day (this is faster than taking taxi’s). Doing business in a 3rd World Country is worse than a nightmare! Today is Sunday 12th. So have preached and taught with the Honiara brethren again and am waiting for my lift up to Papaho. The location for the MH. After this visit, I have a Home Bible Study set this evening with the Transit House Managers where I am staying. On Monday, will be off to a Lawyer, more copying, packing my bags and getting off to Henderson Field once again.
Hopefully for a plane that will take off this time… I was pleased to be able to bring with me, on this trip, a battery pack tool kit for Lency Mena, the evangelist working in Santa Cruz. This is the first time he has had such tools. I thank bro. Martin Turner for his contribution to this need. Lency is one grateful brother.
This help has been far exceeded by the generosity of the Justin brethren who continue to supply Bibles, reading glasses and electronic equipment. Then there is the Lords people in Eureka, Ca. They have sentenough funds to the Honiara and Nunguu brethren to build a new canoe, buy a new outboard motor and 2 Copiers. Plus provide Song Books and Bible Class materials loaded on zip drives! Awesome tools for these brethren. And they appreciate this help and hopefully will manage these tools well. By the way. Giving the brethren a canoe is like providing a congregation in N.Z. with a mini-Van. When reporting back to my Supporting brethren from late August, I am hopeful of raising enough on going support to allow John Bonagi to move his family to Noro/Forsky, to be a long term Worker up there. This work is the most promising in the Solomons at present.
The Palmerston North Campaign:
Don’t think I have reported on the outcome to this 2 week door knocking outreach. There were helpers from N.Z., U.S. and Oz. The U.S. Workers came for 1 week in March. The rest of us worked for 2. There where 27 studies set, 21 call backs listed. And so more studies were set in the followup. It took about 39 conversations to set 1 study appointment. Which has changed little over the past 30 years. So far, there have been 2 responses, but studies continue. So keep Kent O’Donnell and the follow up in your prayers.
Work in Australia:
Didn’t spend much time in the Tweed work on my way to the Solomons. Merely preached and taught a little. But on my next visit to my family, I will be getting back to door knocking and letterboxing outreach with bro. Michelle Chekershe. We have designed and printed tools to use in this vital activity. And as I will not be travelling on to the Solomons, will be able to invest more effort into building up Christ’s kingdom in that part of Oz. I have an open invitation from the brethren there is come work with them at any time.
Am back immersed in the N.Z. Work:
I went from 35oC to 12oC when arriving back in N.Z. The Solomon Airline plane flew all the way to Auckland, N.Z. in spite of the bankruptcy of Vanuatu Air. Since coming home, I have got re-engaged in the N.Z. work. Either by teaching and preaching each Lords day in 3 congregation’s, or doing follow-up with the Palmy Contacts, or writing materials and documents for the S.I. work, or buying materials and items to send to the Solomons because of my promises to Contact and Christians in that nation. In fact, tomorrow I will be packing up Song Books to send to the Lords people at Noro/Foskey on New Georgia Island. Next weekend, the Porirua church of Christ will be hosting a 3 day weekend Camp in their part of Wellington. They have me down to speak on “Building a House”( Prov. 24:3-4). The standing joke here, about this assignment, is my propensity to always be having a building project underway, i.e. My Shed house and the Mission House in Honiara at present. So I am the best qualified to address this theme, apparently!!