Church Blog (Page 6)

Church Blog (Page 6)

Turn the World Upside Down

The Apostle Paul encountered opposition to Ephesus. The silversmiths, who made trinkets to honor the pagan goddess Diana, were concerned that the growth of the Christian Faith would cut into the profits of their trade. Bringing some of the leading Christians before the civil magistrates, they delivered the charge: “These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also” (Acts 17:6). While intended as a rebuke, in one sense, this charge was a great compliment. The pagans…

The Beneficent Author of All Good

It has been my practice every year now in this space to print a historical Thanksgiving Proclamation. Though we typically associate the origin of this practice with the Pilgrims, special times for giving thanks for blessings as well as celebrations of bountiful harvests are ancient traditions in a number of cultures. In the New World, both the Spanish and French conducted thanksgivings in the 16th century. English settlers in Jamestown held a thanksgiving in 1610. By comparison, the celebration in…

By and By

All of us at some time or another get depressed and discouraged. Sometimes we just want to give up and quit. In the heat of a moment we’ll say, “That’s it, I’m quitting this job.” Or, “I’m going to leave this town and never look back.” Or even, “I’m done with the church – they’ll never miss me.” How often have we felt that life was seemingly stacked against us? That the harder we try, the worse things get? That…

What Makes a Church Great?

When we look at the church in the New Testament, we cannot help but be impressed by its impact. On that first Pentecost, there were 120 disciples huddled together, waiting for the Spirit promised by the Lord Jesus. After he poured it out and Peter preached to the crowd that gathered in response, there were 3,000 baptized; that number soon grew to 5,000. Within a few years, there were churches planted all over the ancient world. What accounts for the…

Even to Old Age, Do Not Forsake Me

We are drawing near to the end of the book of Ecclesiastes in our Sunday morning sermon series. In our text today, we will see the Preacher famously urge us to Remember your Creator in the days of your youth. But there is a flipside to that which we will not have time to explore in detail in our lesson, but is absolutely worthy of our consideration: even if we do not always remember Him, our Creator remembers us. He…

A Place to Belong

We are in the midst of a loneliness epidemic in our world. It is severe enough that earlier this year, the Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Vivek Murthy, released an Advisory to call attention to it as a public health crisis. Countries such as Japan and the UK have gone so far as to appoint Ministers of Loneliness in their government. Our isolation and lack of connection to one another creates myriad physical problems that are worthy of…

Will We Know Each Other in Heaven?

Last week, we considered a question many people have asked over the years: will we know each other in heaven? While Scripture does not address this directly, it seems clear that the answer to that is affirmative, both from the great principles of the Bible as well as implications of passages found in both the Old and New Testaments. But there are some objections that have been raised to that idea before; let’s consider those here. Sometimes it’s suggested we…

Stop Forgiving Yourself

A lot of folks walk around with guilt and insecurity for things they’ve done in the past. In a world that tells us to love ourselves and embrace who we are, many of us immediately run into a conundrum: why should I “love myself” when I’m guilty of (fill in the blank)? The world’s response to that? “Forgive yourself.” I hate this term. By definition, it doesn’t work. Among the definitions given by we find “to grant pardon for…

Why I Attend Every Service

The following article is by Carroll Ellis and appeared in the Gospel Advocate January 1960. I have printed it in this space before, back in May of 2019; that was BC, “Before COVID.” It not only remains relevant, but is perhaps even more pressing now than it ever has been in living memory. I strongly encourage you to really consider it. -BP A man has just received a kind invitation. It was not an all-expense paid, deep sea fishing trip,…

3 Suggestions for the Lord’s Supper

We are considering going back to passing trays when we take the Lord’s Supper in the near future. In conjunction with that, I was thinking about our practice more generally this week and ran across this article from Wes McAdams. You have likely heard me say similar things to all 3 of these suggestions on occasion; I not only endorse them, but thought they might be helpful for you, too, because sometimes hearing another voice make the same point drives…

Spiritual Infancy

Do you remember what it felt like to be young? For some reading this, that was a long time ago. For others, it was a really long time ago. One of the things I remember is that it seemed like it took forever to grow up; you can probably relate to that. Most of the time, as children, we are ready to be older and bigger than we are; it’s why when we are really little, we put that “and…

A Little Bird Told Me

Even in your thoughts, do not curse the king, nor in your bedroom curse the rich, for a bird of the air will carry your voice, or some winged creature tell the matter. Ecclesiastes 10:20 Have you ever wondered how people find out things? Statements we made and actions we took which we thought would never be known suddenly become public knowledge; what we thought was a secret is published abroad. We have an expression for that mysterious process that…