Current Sunday Morning Classes and Descriptions
December 2017 – February 2018
- Auditorium (Jimmy Lyles): “Jesus—The Unassuming King.” In the second of a two-quarter study of Matthew, Jimmy will help his class to see Jesus as he is beautifully portrayed in the first gospel account.
- Room 10 (Corey Covington): “Back to the Basics.” Corey will emphasize the importance of learning the foundation of our faith so that we might be equipped to teach it to others.
- Library (Chuck Webster): “Sex, Gender, and Sexuality: Responding with Love, Compassion, and Truth.” In this class Chuck will reflect on biblical teaching regarding sexuality, focusing particularly on issues raised by the LGBT community. He will also emphasize how churches might better respond to LGBT people in our families, churches, and communities.
- Downstairs/Young Professionals (Ben Kellum): “Reflecting Christ.” Ben’s goal in this class is to learn how to better become reflections of Christ. In order to show Christ to others, we must be conformed to his image. This class will discuss attributes of Jesus and how to live those out.
Upcoming Class Themes
To view classes or if you’d like to sign up to teach, click view this document or talk with Donnie Winningham.
- Spring 2018 – OT History/Characters
- Summer 2018 – Time of Christ
- Fall 2018 – Christian Doctrine
- Winter 2018 – Wisdom Literature and Prophecy
- Spring 2019 – NT Epistles and Revelation