It’s Sunday morning.
Time to sing and worship…but
Who will be leading the singing?
Is there a man willing (and able) to lead the congregation in song? With little or no training, the ability to effectively lead singing within churches of Christ will fade into a distant fog.
Effective worship is effectively led, whether through the preacher, the prayer leader or the song leader. The only way to have effective singing is to have trained song leaders.
This workshop trains men in the art of proficiently leading congregational singing. In this two-day training session, men and congregations will learn:
- To appreciate the message of songs through their storied history.
- To select songs that enhance worship.
- To use the ‘heart’ as well as the voice to communicate the message of song.
- The vital role of leading singing in the growth of the local congregation.
- Simple mechanics of singing, such as time signature, pitch and beating time.
Contact the church office for more information.